

KOMPAS.com - Otak akan mempelajari sebuah kata baru dalam waktu kurang dari 15 menit. Cukup perdengarkan kata tersebut sebanyak 160 kali. Menurut para ilmuwan di University of Cambridge, otak akan membuat jaringan saraf baru untuk mengingat kata tersebut.

Temuan para ilmuwan ini menjelaskan kalau waktu yang dibutuhkan otak untuk mempelajari kata itu ternyata lebih cepat dari pada perkiraan.

Penelitian dilakukan dengan menempatkan elektroda di kepala 16 relawan yang sehat. Aktivitas otak mereka dimonitor selama mengikuti pengujian yang terdiri dari 2 tahap. Pada tahap pertama, para relawan diperdengarkan pada kata-kata yang sudah familiar. Tahap kedua, mereka diperdengarkan pada kata asing yang disebut berulang-ulang.

Di awal tahap kedua, aktivitas otak menunjukkan kalau otak berusaha mengenali kata tersebut. Tapi, setelah 160 kali pengulangan dalam 14 menit, aktivitas otak tidak dapat dibedakan dengan aktivitas otak di tahap pertama. "Secara virtual tidak ada bedanya," kata Dr. Yury Shtyrov yang terlibat dalam penelitian.

"Untuk mendengarkan saja sudah membantu untuk belajar bahasa," ujar Dr. Shtyrov kepada The Telegraph. Akan tetapi, untuk mengucapkan kata tersebut, butuh jaringan saraf baru, yakni bagian otak yang mengatur bicara.

Meski demikian, penelitian ini tidak bertujuan untuk membantu turis belajar bahasa. Menurut Dr. Shtyrov, penelitian ini untuk membantu pasien stroke mengembalikan kemampuan bicara. Untuk itu, University of Cambridge menggandeng Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit dari Medical Research Council untuk mengembangkan sebuah terapi afasia yang diberi nama CIAT (Constraint-induced Aphasia Therapy). Afasia merupakan kehilangan kemampuan bicara akibat sakit, cacat, atau cedera pada otak.

Tes berikutnya akan melibatkan pasien stroke. Seperti dijelaskan Dr. Shtyrov, rehabilitasi bisa cepat dengan menargetkan bagian otak untuk memori. "Kuncinya adalah repetisi. Otak bekerja dengan baik pada saat kondisi santai dan tidak berusaha mengingat," jelasnya.

Ia memberi contoh dalam bidang olah raga. Seseorang bisa hapal nama pemain, tim, bahkan aturan dengan baik. "Itu karena setiap informasi selalu berulang dan orang merasa tidak perlu menghapal. Otak tidak dapat menghapal semua hal. Otak memilih yang penting dan yang tidak penting," tegas Dr. Shtyrov.(National Geographic Indonesia/Stephanie Silitonga)

"Otak bekerja dengan baik pada saat kondisi santai dan tidak berusaha mengingat". Setuju banget sama statement ini. Masalahnya gimana caranya nerapin ini di kehidupan sehari-hari misalnya buat belajar. Aku ngerasa selama ini kita dituntut untuk menghafal jadi akhirnya cepet hafal tapi cepet lupa --"

Ada yang punya ide gimana menciptakan suasana belajar dimana kita tidak diharuskan untuk menghafal?


bagi" info aja nih,mungkin ada yg tertarik :)

OOT] [INFO] Lomba menulis berhadiah

Posted by: "Ahmad Syamil" asyamil@yahoo.com asyamil

Sat Dec 25, 2010 9:33 pm (PST)

Writing contest for junior and senior high school students, college
students, and professionals.

The paper should be received by March 31, 2011.
http://www.indonesi afocus.net/

Organisasi NON PROFIT The Asian Society for International Relations and Public Affairs (ASIRPA)
http://www.asirpa. org/


Mohon bantuannya untuk memforward pengumuman writing contest terlampir
ke milis/rekan lainnya.

Silahkan bergabung dengan milis utama ASIRPA dengan mengirim email ke

ASIRPA-subscribe@ yahoogroups. com

ASIRPA-subscribe/ at/yahoogroups. com

Supaya cepat diterima keanggotaannya, lebih dianjurkan untuk mendaftar
milis melalui web site:

http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/ASIRPA/

dan mohon menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia ketika mendaftar melalui web site:

Nama: ____________ __ Nama kota: ____________ Alasan Subscribe:__ _________ ______

Terima kasih.

Jabat erat,

Ahmad Syamil
Arkansas State University
http://asyamil. net/

============ ========= ========= ========= ======

ASIRPA Writing Contest
http://www.indonesi afocus.net/

The Asian Society for International Relations and Public Affairs
(ASIRPA) now invites students and professionals to take part in the
upcoming Indonesia Focus Writing Contest (IFWC). The theme for this year
How to Make the Earth a Better Place.

The competition will be divided int
o two categories; the first is for
junior and senior high school students and the second is for college
students and professionals. The first, second, and third place winner of
the first category will be awarded a cash prize of $250, $100, and $50
respectively, and the first, second, and third place winner of the
second category will be awarded a cash prize of $350, $250, and $100
respectively. Winners of the second category will also have the
opportunity to publish their paper in the Journal of ASIRPA (JASIRPA).

Entering the Competition

You can enter the competition by sending your paper to
nurhaya.muchtar@ asirpa.org<>
fikri.ismail@ asirpa.org<>. Your paper
should relate to the theme above and should demonstrate how the theme is
applicable to your main interest (economy, environment, education, etc.).

The paper should be written in English, typed, double-spaced, using 12
point Times New Roman font, on standards-sized paper (8.5
x 11) with 1
inch margins on all sides. Please maintain consistency with your
preferred citation style (only for college students and above).
length of the paper should be between 3000-5000 words.

You may submit more than one paper. However, you should be the sole
author of your paper(s). We don't accept a paper with more than one
author. The paper should be received by March 31, 2011.

Selection Process

The writing contest judges will whittle down all the entries to only
seven finalists, who will then be asked to present their paper at the
annual Indonesia Focus Conference May 28-29, 2011, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, USA.
For this final round, the winners will be decided by both the judges and
the audience
s votes. The finalists can therefore bring as many
supporters as possible to the event in order to increase their chances
of winning the contest.

The final round will be held on the first
day of the conference. The
result will be announced the next day.

You are responsible for the transportation cost from your city to
Pittsburgh and other costs associated with attending the conference.
Questions related to this event should be directed to
nurhaya.muchtar@ asirpa.org<> or
fikri.ismail@ asirpa.org<>. Please visit
ASIRPA website regularly for updates.

============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========

The following information is for regular papers (not for writing contest)

Call For Papers

Indonesia Focus Conference 2011
May 28-29, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
http://www.indonesi afocus.net/

"Embracing Globalization through Promoting Entrepreneurship and
US-Indonesia Business Relation"

Abstract submission deadline: February 28, 2011

Background and Theme

The Asian Society for International Relations and Public Affairs
(ASIRPA) invites the submission of papers for the 2011 Indonesia Focus
Conference, which will be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 28-29,
2011. The conference accepts three types of papers: academic papers,
business plans/ideas, and writing-contest papers. Faculty members,
researchers, business people, or anyone interested in this conference
are all invited.

The theme of this year's conference is Embracing Globalization through
Promoting Entrepreneurship and US-Indonesia Business Relations. With
this theme, the conference seeks to emphasize that globalization is
real; we not only have to accept it but also embrace it. Ignoring
globalization will only leave us further behind. Hence, we will take
part and try to fare well in it by utilizing all of our resources. These
include not only our rich natural endowments but also our strategic
geographical location, abundant young and bright minds, loyal and
cohesive social capital, hardworking entrepreneurs, as well as
opportunities to bring in more unconditional support from the
government. While globalization brings more competition, it provides
broad opportunities at the same time.

The conference provides a forum where broad ideas of how to help
Indonesia fare well in the globalized economy are exchanged and
discussed. It is expected that the meeting would inspire attendees with
regard to the potential roles they may want to play in this globalized
world. The conference also provides a forum for entrepreneurs to
showcase their business ideas, plans, and products to Indonesian and
international audience. We hope that the meeting would motivate, and
even initiate further business cooperation among Indonesians, Americans,
and international participants.

Topics and Submission Deadlines

Academic Presentation and Business Plan/Idea Presentation

For the academic presentation, the conference accepts a broad spectrum
of topics, including:

* On the Indonesia Economic development: challenges and opportunities
* On the socio-economic characteristics of Indonesia
* The role of entrepreneurship
* Strategies for Indonesia socio-economic development
* Indonesian policy on economic development and global trade
* The audacity of hope toward Indonesian development
* Developing Indonesia and U.S. cooperation.

At the end of the conference, three best papers will be selected. If you
are interested in presenting, but your topic is not included in the
above list, please contact the conference organizers below; we will
attempt to accommodate all interests.

For the business plan/ideas presentation, the conference accepts any
types of proposed business plan, provided that the business is legal.

The deadline to submit the abstract for the academic paper or business
plan is February 28, 2011. The complete draft must be submitted by May
14, 2011. Please submit the abstract or complete draft of the paper or
business plan to the conference organizers at
NSisworahardjo@ asirpa.org
Christiadi@asirpa. org.

For registration and updates on the 2011 Indonesia Focus Conference,
please visit the ASIRPA Indonesia Focus Conference website
http://www.indonesi afocus.net/



wah lama banget ya nggak buka blog ini. tertarik buka lagi gara" liat blognya anak" barusan..
lucu n seru aja ngeliatnya,pada bakat nulis semua hahaha..
trus ternyata masing" kita punya interest yang beda" yaa :')

ehm klo dipikir-pikir abis ini kita semua bakal kuliah n pastinya pisah.sedih bgt klo inget hal itu.
sebenernya aku ini udah jadi temen yang baik nggak sih buat mereka,kadang aku ngerasa aku ini terlalu "kejam" dalam hal tertentu.ada yg ngerasa kyk gt gg? maaf banget ya chingu,beneran nggak ada maksud lho untuk berbuat seperti itu.hontou ni arigatou gozaimashita for being my friends all this time :)) *saranghae minna san *